NASA James webb Captures Neptune's Ring

Image Credits: NASA

NASA's James Space Telescope has captured the most detailed pictures of Neptune's rings since the voyager 2 spacecraft flew by it in 1989.

Image Credits: NASA

The webb images vividly shows Neptune's fainter dust bands in addition to many bright, narrow rings.

Image Credits: NASA

Since its discovery in 1846, Neptune has fascinated scientists. Neptune orbits in the distant,dark area of the outer solar system, 30 times further from the sun than Earth.

Image Credits: NASA

On the top left, the prominent 8- pointed teal colour objects is Neptune's moon Triton.

Image Credits: NASA

Below and to the right of Triton is pearl-like Neptune. its rings are eye-catching feature. six other moons, seen as small dots, surround Neptune and its rings.

Image Credits: NASA

The James webb space Telescope is the world's leading observatory for space science. webb is a NAS-led international effort with partners Eurropean and Canadian Space Agencies.

Image Credits: NASA

Image Credits: NASA

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