'RIVERDALE' Actor Ryan Grantham. Sentenced To Life In Prison ...For Murdering His Mom

Ryan Grantham, known for playing Jeffery Augustine in "Riverdale," has been sentenced to life behind bars for killing his own mother.

The 24-year-old was sentenced Wednesday in British Columbia, Canada Supreme Court.

approximately 6 months after pleading guilty to a second-degree murder charge for the death of his mom, Barbara Waite, back in 2020.

Prosecutors say the disgraced actor recorded his confession and the aftermath of the tragic ordeal with his own camera at the time.

in the clip, he admitted, “I shot her in the back of the head. In the moments after, she would have known it was me.”

Justice Kathleen Ker described the case as heartbreaking, tragic, and life-shattering while giving him the sentence.

Grantham shot his mother in the back of the head while she was playing the piano at home.

the following day he loaded his car with guns, ammo, Molotov cocktails, and directions to Rideau Cottage -- where Canadian PM Justin Trudeau lives.

Detectives investigating the case say Grantham later confessed he was attempting to kill Trudeau and wrote about his goal in a journal.

Per the terms of the sentence, Grantham will not be eligible for parole during his first 14 years locked away.

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