Internet & Technology in Hindi

Tech Yatri is an Indian technology website that provides news, reviews, and analysis of the latest technology trends and gadgets. It covers various topics such as smartphones, laptops, cameras, gaming, and more. Tech Yatri aims to be a one-stop destination for tech enthusiasts and professionals seeking reliable and informative content related to the world of technology.

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Rahul Patil

Rahul Patil is the author & founder of , He loves to share his technical knowledge with people , He is also passionate about Blogging & Digital Marketing and He has working across various Internet-based businesses.
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Raj Patil

Raj is the Co-Founder and Senior Editor of Tech Yatri. He likes to write about technology and gaming. Raj believes in making technology accessible to people in simple words, so he spends most of his time writing high quality technology articles.
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Shailendra Patil

Shailendra is the Co-founder and Senior Editor of Tech Yatri. He is more interested in computer and computer programming. Shailendra is a software engineer in an MNC company and also writes on this website on various topics, especially computer and programming related articles and tutorials.
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