HomeCOMPUTER How do I resolve ClassNotFoundException in Java?

[Solved] How do I resolve ClassNotFoundException in Java?

ClassNotFoundException: A ClassNotFound Exception in Java occurs when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is unable to find a class at runtime. This usually happens when the class that the JVM is looking for is not in the classpath.

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ClassNotFoundException in Java



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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.example.MyClass
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:382)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:349)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348)
        at com.example.MyProgram.main(MyProgram.java:10)

Solution 1

Depending on how you start your application, you need to revise the argument to -cp, your Class-Path entry in MANIFEST.MF or your disk layout.

Solution 2

Here are some steps you can take to resolve a ClassNotFound Exception

Check the classpath

Make sure that the classpath is correctly set and that the required class is included in the classpath. You can set the classpath using the -classpath option or by setting the CLASSPATH environment variable.

Check the package name

If the class is in a package, make sure that the package name is correct and matches the directory structure.

Check the jar file

If the class is in a jar file, make sure that the jar file is in the classpath and that the class is in the correct directory structure within the jar file.

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Check the class name

Make sure that the class name is spelled correctly and matches the case of the actual class name.

Check the version

If the class is from a third-party library, make sure that the version of the library you are using is the same as the one used to compile the code.

Check the dependencies

If the class has dependencies on other classes, make sure that those classes are also in the classpath.

Check the classloader

If you are using a custom classloader, make sure that it is loading the class correctly.


  • The most common cause of ClassNotFound Exception in Java is when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is unable to find the class at runtime. This can happen if the required class is not included in the classpath, which is a list of directories and jar files that the JVM searches for classes.
  • Other possible causes of ClassNotFound Exception include issues with the package name, incorrect spelling or capitalization of the class name, using an incorrect version of a library or dependency, or using a custom classloader that is unable to find the required class.
  • It’s important to carefully check the classpath, package structure, class name, dependencies, and classloader when encountering a ClassNotFound Exception to identify the root cause of the issue and resolve it.

Best practices for preventing ClassNotFoundException

  1. Ensure that all required classes and dependencies are included in the classpath: This is the most common cause of ClassNotFound Exception in Java. Make sure that all required jars and directories are included in the classpath, either through command line options or through environment variables.
  2. Careful naming of packages and classes: The package structure and class names should follow the standard naming conventions in Java. Avoid using reserved keywords, and use descriptive and meaningful names for your classes and packages.
  3. Keeping dependencies up-to-date: Always use the latest version of your dependencies and make sure that they are compatible with each other. Using outdated versions of dependencies can lead to ClassNotFound Exception and other errors.
  4. Using a standard classloader when possible: Use the standard classloader whenever possible, as custom classloaders can be error-prone and difficult to debug. If a custom classloader is required, make sure that it is implemented correctly and can find all the required classes.

Overview: ClassNotFoundException

Exception ClassNotFoundException
Programming Language Java
Solution Resolved
Error/Exception Type Runtime error
ClassNotFoundException solution

Example: ClassNotFoundException

Suppose we have a Java program that uses a third-party library called “examplelib.jar” to perform some functionality. The library contains a class called “com.example.ExampleClass” that our program uses.

Now, let’s say that we run our program without adding “examplelib.jar” to the classpath. When our program tries to load the “com.example.ExampleClass” class, the JVM will not be able to find it and will throw a ClassNotFound Exception.

Here’s an example code snippet that can cause ClassNotFound Exception:

public class MyClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            // Attempt to load the ExampleClass from the third-party library
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // Handle the ClassNotFound Exception
            System.err.println("Class not found: " + e.getMessage());

If we run this code without including “examplelib.jar” in the classpath, we will see a ClassNotFound Exception error message in the console or log file.


Resolving ClassNotFoundException in Java is crucial for ensuring that your Java application runs smoothly. By carefully checking the classpath, package name, jar file, class name, version, dependencies, and classloader, you can quickly identify and fix the issue. Following a systematic approach and paying attention to the details can help you overcome Java errors and develop reliable applications. Remember to keep your Java code up-to-date and to leverage the latest tools and libraries to simplify the development process.

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